DLP and LCD video wall has monopolized control room market for long time, However, Ultra HD LED display come to capture this market leveraging on its seamless crystal clear image, bezel-free, low maintenance cost and long lifespan features.
Recently Unilumin UTV1.9 ultra HD LED display has been employed at the traffic monitor and command center in Shandong Province, China. The excellent work at this command center again enhances the possibility of LED video wall entering control room market.
Before this project, Unilumin has done more than 20 projects in control room applications in China and abroad, including railway dispatch center, military command center, police monitor and command center, utility assets monitor center, etc.
Comparing to LCD/DLP video wall, Unilumin Ultra HD LED video wall has a list of advantages. Firstly, LED video wall is seamless and bezel-free, so no lines on the video wall thus no data will miss on the screen, while LCD/DLP video wall has obvious bezel lines. Secondly, DLP has to change the expensive light bulb frequently, so it causes high cost on maintenance work while LED display has no bulb issue. Thirdly, LED display has longer lifespan, that is 100,000 working hours.
“Every two days we will receive one customer coming to see our UTV series control room solution in our Shenzhen headquarters, Hong Kong office, Holland office and U.S. subsidiary. Customers are very happy to see this technology because a true seamless video wall is available for control room application at last, we have great confidence on it!” Says Vincent Ma, general manager of LED display division in Unilumin Group.
Unilumin, the LED application pioneer, providing professional LED application service, has taken a significant step forward in its global expansion by officially opening its Service and Demo Center in Spain. This milestone event underscores Unilumin's unwavering commitment to putting users at the forefront and ensuring they have timely access to the latest LED integrated solutions.Unilumin, the LED application pioneer, providing professional LED application service, has taken a significant step forward in its global expansion by officially opening its Service and Demo Center in Spain. This milestone event underscores Unilumin's unwavering commitment to putting users at the forefront and ensuring they have timely access to the latest LED integrated solutions.